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When fighting low back pain, most of you have similar questions. Here are just a few:

What’s wrong with me? Why am I in so much pain?

Will I be able to get through the day?

How can I be there for the people who need me?

When everyone has a different opinion, who should I believe?

And, most importantly, what will my future be like and will I have to live with this forever?

my clients often say that they feel like a hostage.

A hostage to both the unpredictability of their bodies and the fears in their mind.

They are also frustrated by the time and expense of seeing one doctor after another, receiving one treatment after another, and feeling like they are on a never ending merry go round to nowhere.

SpineCamp is a program that puts you back in charge of your life


SpineCamp Basics

  • Know the difference between hurt and harm. This, alone, will let you live more confidently.

  • Learn how 8 simple movements performed from 3 positions will give you the ability to stop low back pain, on your own, almost anytime or anywhere.

  • Unpackage your fears. Most of them are due to getting bad information. You don’t have to live with worries that cause needless limitation.

  • Get guidance that lets you properly respond to low back pain rather than hopelessly react to it.

Hear From Some Clients


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