Free Materials and Programs
Motion Response Self-Test:
This questionnaire will determine if you are the type of person who could benefit greatly by a simple series of movements designed reduce or eliminate most types of low back pain.
My clients who have taken this test, and subsequently learned how to use Motion Response Training, have told me that not only are they able to live without the fear of low back pain ruining their day, but also that they have saved time, money, and hassle by knowing they can now control low back pain on their own.
Know These 5 Things About Lumbar Stenosis:
Lumbar Stenosis is the most common reason for low back surgery in people over the age of 55.
However, there are many things that need to be considered prior to undergoing surgery.
The most important of wich is; Have you been diagnosed correctly?”.
This PDF will give you important information about the criteria you NEED to meet be diagnosed with Lumbar Stenosis as well as several suggestions about how to choose the type of treatment that is right….FOR YOU!
Much of what you will learn about Lumbar Stenosis from this FREE publication has probably not been discussed with you by your clinical professional.
This publication is accurate, easy to read, and well worth your investment of time.
Who’s Got Your Back?
This scientifically referenced white paper goes into detail about the challenges you could face when trying to determine the most appropriate type of treatment for your spine problem.
Spine care is BIG business and it’s COMPETITIVE.
Unfortunately, this often results in you getting incomplete or inccurate representations of the many options for treatment that are available to you.
Who’s Got Your Back was written to help you be more informed about about your options for care and to serve as a foundation for making informed and personally appropriate treatment choices.
This publication is accurate, highly detailed, and full of information that you are most likely unaware of.
3 Keys to Making Good Treatment Choices
Making treatment choices can be difficult. Here are a few of the reasons why: (1). There are over 250 different types of treatment for low back pain, yet science has never clearly demonstrated one as being better than another.
(2). There are at least 23 different clinical professionals treating low back pain and they typically feel that their prefererd way is the best.
This leads to a lot of conflicting opinions that causes uncertainty and confusion. Knowing “what is real” and how to assess your personal risk will put you in a better position to determine a treatment approach that is relevant to your personal situation. Click below to view this brief, helpful, video.
SpineCast: A Free, Live, Interactive Program
SpineCast: was developed because so many of you have told me that your doctor/clinician does NOT give you the time to ask your questions, or when you do get answers they confuse you even more.
The program begins with a brief discussion about the 3 most important things you need to know make good treatment choices.
You will then be given plenty of time to ask your questions and get understandable and accurate answers so that you can make informed decisions about your care.
You and Your MRI
This program will illustrate common MRI findings and discuss what they mean and what they DON’T.
Although MRI’s can be helpful, they can also lead to needless fear and receiving inappropriate treatment.
Numerous scientific studies have clearly shown that a large number of people who have NEVER had low back pain will have abnormalities on their MRI. Because of this, it is important to know how to use your MRI results in a way that they help you, rather than work against you. This session will do that for you and, as with my other presentations, you will have plenty of time to ask your own questions.
How to Keep Score on Your Low Back Pain
The main objective of any treatment is to reduce your pain and improve your quality of life.
But, how is that defined? In other words, what is meant when someone says your treatment was “successful?”
It is very likely that YOUR definition of success is much different than that of your clinical professional’s.
In fact, research has shown that most patients (meaning you and others like you) think of success in a way that is rarely accomplished by ANY type of treatment. Being able to keep score, the same way your professionals should, will do several things for you. (1) Help you determine if you even need treatment. (2) Give you a realistic idea of how much improvement you could expect from your treatment. (3) Allow you to accurately compare one type of treatment to another. (4) Serve as an objective indicator of improvement (or lack of improvement) so you can determine if you need to consider a different form of care. In a perfect world, every one of you should know how to keep score before you begin treatment. Unfortunately, it is rare, if ever, that anyone will show you how to do this.
This program gives you a head start on having realistic expectations from any treatment you may be considering.