Don’t Let Low Back Pain Rule Your Life


Most of You Have Similar Questions and Concerns. I Hear Them Often

Why am I in so much pain? Will I be able to get through the day? How can I be there for the people who need me? What can I do to get back to feeling normal again? How come everyone seems to have a different opinion about what I should do? Who should I believe?

And maybe the most important is…

Will I have to deal with this for the rest of my life?

My clients have often told me that they feel like they are being held hostage.

Not only by the unpredictability of their bodies, but also the fears and that invade their minds.

So often I hear that they are worried about their future.

They are also frustrated by the time and expense of seeing one doctor after another, receiving one treatment after another, and feeling like they are on a never ending merry go round with no real progress being made.

SpineGuide was created to do something for you that no one else is doing.

To give you the tools to take charge of your low back pain so you can live with more confidence, control, and freedom.


About Dr. Ron Fudala

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You should NOT consider working with me because I love surfing, riding motorcycles, exercising, and playing racquet sports.

However, you SHOULD consider working with me because my only goal is to restore control to you by showing you exactly what you need to do

  • I have been a spine care consultant for over 28 years, many of which were in the neurosurgical department of a large neuroscience practice.

  • This has given me an “insider’s view” of the various forms of treatment, the professionals providing those treatments, and how well they actually perform.

  • It has also provided me with an understanding of why people succeed, or fail, in any type of treatment they receive.

  • Most importantly, I do not engage in “group think”, avoid taking a dogmatic approach to how low back pain should be solved, and am always asking myself, “What would I do if it were me or my family suffering from this common problem?”

The information on this site will save you time, money, frustration, and reduce your risk of making common mistakes that lead to problems you could have to live with forever.

I welcome your interest. Reach out to me via the contact page HERE if there is something specific you would like to know more about.


About SpineGuide

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This site was developed to help you regain control of your life, and, just as important, to avoid becoming one of the increasing number of people who have failed treatment and are destined to live in chronic pain.

You are at a BIG disadvantage when seeking a solution to your low back pain. Here are just a few of the reasons why:

  • There are over 23 different clinical professionals treating low back pain. Typically, they disagree on how to solve the problem and all feel that their way is the “right” way for you.

  • None of these professionals are incentivized to show you why you may NOT need treatment, and how to handle the problem on your own. They all earn their living “doing what they do.”

  • There are over 250 different treatments for low back pain. Yet, research has never clearly defined one treatment as being more superior to any other.

Despite all of these different treatments, and the professionals offering them, the percentage of people living in chronic low back pain, today, is about DOUBLE, what it was 25 years ago.

Life becomes unpredictable when you are suffering with low back pain. The information on this site will give more clarity about how you can become a part of your own solution.

You can learn more by clicking the link below.

Hear From Some Clients


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