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Are You Comfortable in Your Own Skin?

when you get right down to it, that’s all any of us want.  right??

content with who we are, the choices we make, the path that we have chosen to walk, and ok with our imperfections, mistakes, the lives that we are leading and where we’re heading.

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yet, many of us continue to exist in a “transparency gap.”  by this i mean we “show up” in the “real” world as someone who we know we are not, often, for one reason or another, suppressing our most genuine selves. 

deep within us, many of us know that there is something more.. and we want to find it, uncovering our true essence.

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..we want to own it, and show it by how we live, what we do and the vitality with which we embrace the moments we have.

some of us have conceded our dreams, because of being told they’re impossible, unrealistic, or that we’re selfish. this may have been done with good intent so as to avoid causing unintended ripples in the routines of those whom we love.

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but, in so doing this, have we conceded the best of us?

although feeling the urge to take a new direction, we may find ourselves stifled, settling for a life of familiarity.. one that’s expected. one that’s the same.

but, has this “sameness” left us feeling incomplete? that something is missing and just not right?

This Site is About Walking a Journey Together to Get it Right and Choose to Grow

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