
comments from some clients who decided to get in front of their low back pain.

spinecamp: 4 steps to controlling your low back pain so it doesn’t control you

step 1: know the mechanisms

there are 3 main mechanisms of pain and/or injury.

those are, stretch, compression, and shear.

understanding these, and knowing how to use this knowledge to your advantage is far more important than focusing on the part of your body causing the pain.

you will be given several examples of each of these 3 mechanisms, enabling you to recognize them, and avoid or reduce your exposure to them in your day to day life.

step 2: use “smart” movement to stop or reduce pain, often fast!

the first response you make when back pain occurs should be your best response, but unfortunately, it often isn’t.

this is largely because of fear and not recognizing the difference between hurt and harm which is one of the biggest factors in determining how well or quickly you recover.

this program gives you clarity about this, and shows you how 9 easy movements, from 3 positions and one simple rule will give you the ability to either stop, or greatly reduce your low back pain no matter when or where it occurs.

step 3: master the unique circumstances of your lifestyle

your life is different from others in many areas.. work, exercise, home routines, travel, postures, etc.

because of this, your risk exposure to your individual mechanisms of pain and/or injury are different, as are the circumstances in which these movements can be used.

this program will “coach” you to a greater awareness of your unique situation, and give you the tools to make the necessary modifications that will not only make more effective use of your movements, but also go a long way to preventing recurrent problems.

step 4: avoid common mistakes that lead to bigger problems

for most of you, it is NOT your first episode, or first few episodes, of low back pain, that lead to lasting problems.
