learn how to stop low back pain, on your own, no matter when or where it occurs

No Hype—No Nonsense


SpineCamp will teach you 8 simple movements, from 3 positions, and one basic rule to help most of you reduce or eliminate low back pain, often quickly, regardless of when or where it occurs. When you can do this you will greet each day with restored confidence and control.

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Low back Pain never happens at the right time or in the right place. When it does occur it often does so unexpectedly, hijacking your day. The practicality of SpineCamp’s system means it can easily be used in almost any situation so that you can keep back pain from disrupting your life.

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Not knowing the difference between hurt and harm will slow down your recovery and often make your problem worse. SpineCamp shows you how to use “smart movements” so that you can effectively reduce your pain in a careful, predictable, and gentle way.

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Many of you are receiving ineffective and scientifically unproven treatments that do nothing more than waste your time and money. You can attend SpineCamp for less than the cost of most copays. And, if you are not satisfied with the program, I will refund your registration fee.

For SpineCamp Inquires, Discovery Calls are FREE.  Call me at 904.703.5105. Email me direct at rdf.fud.10@gmail.com

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