Please answer Yes or No for the following questions.
Keep track of the number of times you answered “Yes.”
The scoring system for the test is found at the end of this section.
Are there times when you have NO pain, even if only for a few minutes? (Yes or No)
Is your pain confined to areas above the knee? (Yes or No)
Are you typically worse when sitting for long periods of time? (Yes or No)
Do who sometimes have much more pain when arising after sitting? (Yes or No)
Do you ever experience a “catch” in your back when getting up after sitting? (Yes or No)
Are you often worse after activities that involved prolonged forward bending? (Yes or No)
Can your pain/stiffness be worse when you awaken, then improve after light movement? (Yes or No)
Does light movement or changes of position usually make your pain improve? (Yes or No)
Have you had several episodes of low back pain over the past months or years? (Yes or No)
Between your more severe episodes of pain are you usually able to move decently? (Yes or No)
Between episodes of pain have you had pain free intervals? (Yes or No)
Are there certain movements or positions where your pain is noticeably worse? (Yes or No)
Are there certain movements/activities or positions where your pain is noticeably less? (Yes or No)
Motion Response Test Scoring and Interpretation
If you answered YES to at least 9 of the above questions, you are an excellent candidate for Motion Response Training and will have a great chance of significantly reducing or eliminating your back pain and preventing future recurrences.
If you answered YES to at least 5 questions, your chances of showing significant improvement with the self-care methods taught in Motion Response Training are still very GOOD.
If you answered YES to fewer that 5 questions, it is unlikely that this method would benefit you and some form of specialized care or additional diagnostic testing may be required.
SpineCamp and Motion Response Training Satisfaction Guarantee
It is important to understand that no form of treatment or system can be guaranteed to work. I cannot give you a guarantee that this program will work for you. No one else can guarantee that any treatment they recommend will work for you.
However, I do GUARANTEE your SATISFACTION with this program.
You will get a FULL REFUND of your tuition if you apply, are accepted into the program, yet DO NOT feel satisfied with your training and instruction.
The self-assessment test that you have taken is for educational and informational purposes only.
This test, and the scoring system illustrated, IS NOT MEANT to make a diagnosis, recommend a specific form of treatment, or replace medical information that can only be obtained from a licensed clinical professional who has had the opportunity to fully evaluate your condition.