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Here is Why a Program Like This is Needed

You can CLICK HERE for my free PDF, “Who’s Got Your Back” that offers a more detailed, and scientifically referenced, discussion of what is summarized below.

  • No one else in today’s spine-care system is incentivized to show you how to help yourself, and to counsel you on why you may NOT even need treatment.

    • Each professional you see has the incentive to treat you.

      • It’s how they earn their living. In fact, the recommendations you get for treatment have more to do with how your professional earns their living that it does with actual science. (I’ll be happy to send you the references about this)

  • This often leads to money (and time) being spent on treatments that may NOT be needed, but it can also lead to a lot of frustration, confusion, dependency, and even worse… needless fear.

  • Here’s what I mean..

    • There are over 250 different forms of treatment for low back pain, and at least 23 clinical professionals who treat it.

    • Science has never clearly demonstrated one treatment, or type of professional, as being clearly superior to any other.

    • However, it’s common for each clinical professional you see to suggest that their preferred form of treatment is the “best”. As stated above, research has never found this to be the case.

    • It is also common for many professionals to overstate the benefits of their treatment, and not give you in-depth information about the potential risks or alternative types of treatment that could be a better fit for your unique situation.

  • Here is the result of all of this.. and they are some alarming statistics:

    • Today, there is now about a 50% chance that someone experiencing even their initial episode of low back pain will fail treatment.

    • As compared to 25 years ago, the percent of the population having their “first ever” episode of low back pain has not changed.

    • However, the percent of the population living with disabling low back pain has about doubled.

      • It doesn’t take a mathematician to recognize that what is being done today is NOT working for a lot of people.

  • In fact, several prominent researchers have begun to point out that the various treatments for low back pain, and professionals treating it (each in their unique way) may be worsening the problem they are trying to “cure.”

  • Here are a few other things that you probably aren’t aware of:

    • In most cases, the exact cause (meaning body part) of low back pain cannot be accurately determined. (diagnosed)

    • In most cases, what is seen on an MRI has little, if anything, to do with the pain that is being experienced.

      • In fact, treating what is “seen” on an MRI is one of the biggest reasons for needless fear and treatment failure.

      • It has also been shown that focusing on what is found on your MRI leads to increased expense of your care and a greater chance that you will have a surgery that will not work out.

    • The chance of someone having an MRI is about double if the doctor they are seeing has an investment in an imaging facility. (and many do)

    • The chance of having injections, and even surgery, is about double if the doctor they are seeing has an investment in the facility providing those services. (and many do)

I know that low back pain can disrupt your life.

The information on this site, and the programs I make available, will restore your confidence, control, and independence by showing you what you can do, on your own, to keep these disruptions to a minimum so that you can make low back pain a remote memory.