Dr. Ronald D. Fudala
I’ve been a Spine consultant since 1993. A majority of those years were in the neurosurgical department of a large neuroscience practice.
As a consultant, I have worked with family doctors, surgeons, physical therapists, chiropractors, and several more clinicians representing various disciplines.
This has given me a first hand look at, and a unique perspective about, the many ways low back pain can be treated along with the benefits and pitfalls of the different types of treatment.
But more importantly, my practice experience has shown me 2 main things that many of you need but most of you lack.
The first is someone to simply teach you how reduce or eliminate low back pain, on your own, in almost any situation to the point where you may NOT even need formal care.
The second is a knowledgeable professional to help you clearly understand your treatment options, from an unbiased perspective, and give you a framework for making personalized treatment choices.
Several years ago, I resigned from active practice to devote myself full time to developing SpineCamp, a program that gives you those things and simplifies the process of dealing with low back pain, emphasizing what you can…. and SHOULD do, to help yourself.
When you do that, you will live with more confidence, control, and freedom and keep low back pain from stealing your time, money, and vitality.
For SpineCamp Inquires, Discovery Calls are FREE. Call me at 904.703.5105. You can also Email me direct at