back pain treatment

Lumbar Facet Pain and Nerve Blocks

Lumbar Facet Pain and Nerve Blocks


Lumbar facet joints can be a cause of your pain.

Facet pain cannot be conclusively diagnosed by standard examination procedures or pain patterns.

Diagnostic nerve blocks are considered the gold standard for confirmation but they also suffer from limitations.

Pain relief from Facet Denervation (Medial Branch Neurotomy), although often significant, is rarely complete or permanent.

The decision on whether or not to consider Medial Branch Neurotomy should be based on understanding the expected outcomes, risks, and limitations of the procedure, in comparison to your current level of function.

Ablating (destroying) the nerve simply eliminates (or reduces) the ability to transmit pain signals. It DOES NOT identify or address the factors causing the pain or sensitization of structures supplied by that nerve

A Confusing Maze of Back Pain Treatment

A Confusing Maze of Back Pain Treatment

The current approach in managing low back pain leaves a lot to be desired.

•The risk of a poor treatment outcome is higher than ever before.

•The incidence of chronic low back pain has risen 64% since the year 2000.

•BUT..the actual percentage of people experiencing “new” episodes of back pain has remained unchanged.

•Permanent disability is also on the rise.

•Even “first time” low back pain patients face up to a 45% chance of a less than optimum outcome with the care they receive.