
Know Your Low Back Pain Score

Know Your Low Back Pain Score

I’m writing this post to give you a “heads up” on an upcoming blog topic that is critically important to how you choose to solve your low back pain.

Over the next few posts, I will be discussing how “Success” is defined, or measured, when it comes to the varioius types of low back pain care you could receive. If you are not already a subscriber, sign up using the form below to be notified.

The goal of this site is to always provide you with information about low back pain to help you make treatment choices that will fit your situation.

In other words, to help you solve low back pain…the right way…FOR YOU!

Avoid Needless Tests for Low Back Pain-4 Key Things to Ask

Avoid Needless Tests for Low Back Pain-4 Key Things to Ask

A client saved money the other day after consulting with me for a single concern.

His question pertained to the necessity of having a certain type of diagnostic test that had been recommended for him. He wasn’t in critical condition. His low back problem responded decently to treatment but periodically returned.

Like many people who have testing, he was hoping the test would finally tell him what was wrong and help him get “fixed” for good.