I’m writing this post to give you a “heads up” on an upcoming blog topic that is critically important to how you choose to solve your low back pain.
Over the next few posts, I will be discussing how “Success” is defined, or measured, when it comes to the varioius types of low back pain care you could receive. If you are not already a subscriber, sign up using the form below to be notified.
The goal of this site is to always provide you with information about low back pain to help you make treatment choices that will fit your situation.
In other words, to help you solve low back pain…the right way…FOR YOU!
This requires me to read a lot. But, staying current with the low back pain research, inclusive of both traditional and alternative low back pain treatment methods, gives me a more balanced perspective of the options that you (and maybe someday I) may want to consider.
When I read, I look at the literature and always ask myself.. “What would I want to know and What would I do if it were me.”
Because there are soooo many low back pain treatments. And because… no one treatment has been shown by science to be clearly superior to another. And because……it is impossible to predict with certainty how any treatment will “work” for you (or me, or anyone else)………..
Because of all the above, it is CRITICALLY IMPORTANT, to understand how treatment success, for low back pain, is measured so that you know what to expect from any type of low back pain treatment you may be thinking about.
Numerous research papers have shown that one of the biggest reasons people are dissatisfied with their low back pain treatment results is due to having unrealistic expectations. (Reach out to me on the contact page and I’ll be happy to send you the references)
And, one of the biggest reasons that they have unrealistic expectations is because no one has ever taught them how keep the “right type” of clinical score so that they know what is meant by “successful low back pain relief.”
Over the next several blog posts, I’m going to show you some REALLY IMPORTANT THINGS!
You will see how the real clinical scores are kept. This will give you the ability to measure your own progress (or lack of progress), compare one low back pain treatment to another, and KNOW what to expect from any low back pain treatment you may be considering.
You will gain insight into kinesiophobia, a scientific term meaning fear of movement or fear of re-injury, and learn how to assess this in yourself. This is important because such fear has been shown to be a strong predictor of a negative response to almost any type of treatment for low back pain.
You will also be introduced to some basic, and easy use, questionnaires that help you determine the type of low back pain treatment you should receive.
I will then give you “real” examples, from GOOD scientific studies about low back pain treatment, that will show you how various low back pain treatments perform.
Most of you already keep score in virtually everything you do. You know the score of the basketball, football, tennis, or golf game. You know how to score your investments. When you shop, you look at the price tags that is a form of “keeping score” so that you can compare one item to another.
When keeping score is such a big part of your daily life, it continues to amaze me that so many of you do not know how to keep score about your low back pain progress, or lack thereof.
But… this is NOT your fault. It is because the clinical professionals you see will rarely take the time to show you how to do this.
I will.
You are NOT going to want to miss this these next few blog posts!
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