Is Your Life Unhinged?

Has Your Life Become Unhinged?

Living unhinged means letting go of whatever blocks our ability to live boldly, compassionately, and with a sense of joy and fulfillment.

Releasing that which interferes with our confidence and tranquility. That which causes our self-perception to be only a shadowy figure of who and what we truly are.

It’s giving up the things that keep US from being US.. HERE AND NOW.... In THIS moment.

Unhinged Living is based on recognizing that EACH moment is precious, once it has passed it will never return, and within EVERY one, is an opportunity to be “reborn” by making use of our single greatest gift.....

…our freedom to choose.

And.... the GREATEST of these choices are the thoughts that we allow to occupy our minds in the moments we are given.

Each choice, within each moment, regardless of the instant in which it occurs, will result in us doing one of two things.

Embracing it... Or.... wasting it.

Embracing it means that it gets our FULL presence and

It is an awareness that, for THAT moment, we are where we should be and are the best, most complete selves, we could be.

Doing this successfully can put us in what some call “A State of Flow.”

It is here, that we are most tranquil and fulfilled.

Wasting a moment typically happens when we choose to “judge” it, rather than “live it as it is.”

Such judgement usually occurs in one of two ways.

The first is when we choose to “perceive” the moment in comparison to some past occurrence. This is too often based upon remembering prior hurts, or the times we had fallen short, and can leave us feeling inadequate or angry.

It also keeps us over-vigilant to the possibility that we could come up short again. However thinking this way could limit our ability to accept the risks that often accompany any new endeavor.

No one in their right minds wants to be hurt or feel inadequate

But, will sheltering ourselves from the possibility of falling short again get us to a place we want to be.

One thing that seems to be true, at least for me, is that no reward is without the inherent risks that accompany pursuing it.

It also probably true that fearing those risks have left so many rewards sitting on the table, remaining unrealized.

The second, is when we choose to “perceive” the moment in comparison to how it fits what we “think” we need, “deserve”, or want to have, now, or at some point in the future.

Doing this will cause us to feel upset, when we think we are entitled to “more”, or unsettled, because of our worry and preoccupation about how it will affect the future we envision.

The fact is, we are NOT our past, unless we choose to make it so.

In other words, if “shit keeps happening” it is probably because we keep choosing to “think and do the same shit.”

Unfortunately, this too often occurs robotically, outside of our awareness.

It is also a fact that neither of us can reliably predict our future or how anything happening today will impact it.

Life, change, choice, and miracles. They all occur in the moment.
How many of these moments have we wasted because of not giving them our full investment and attention?

Living Unhinged means keeping an open mind. To choose to respect each moment as it is, rather than trying to force judgement on what we “perceive” it to be, or how we “think” is should be.

It means releasing our past hurts, anger, and failures so we can keep them out of our present and prevent them from becoming a self-fulling prophesy.

It is letting go of any sense of entitlement and worry about what we think our future should be like.

Unhinged living means that we embrace this moment, NOW, knowing that all we can do is make our best choice possible within it.

It is realizing that as long as we remain open to learning what the curriculum of life teaches us and commit to having the resiliency to get up again, there will be no such thing as failure.

It also means embracing our flaws and accepting them as a part of who we are right now.

We may choose to change those flaws, or we may not.

Regardless of what choice we make, we MUST choose to not allow our perceived inadequacies to cause us to live in shame or embarrassment.

Herein, is where we find peace, growth, tranquility, and become the best of ourselves that we can offer to the world.

Here is where we find “flow.”
