Whatever “success” has come my way (and how success is even defined) has occurred as much despite me as it has because of me.
This has often been something I’ve contemplated when wanting to offer guidance to my 4 sons (now self-reliant young men) about how to go about “designing” their lives.
The question is intriguing, and one that I believe many of us have not asked ourselves.
Yet, it is the ONE question, that could give us a deeper awareness of our true desires and the direction we should consider moving towards.
It’s a question that is contradictory to the advice of many self-help gurus, whose guidance I feel is WRONG, possibly leading us to the “safe” choice rather that the “best” or most personally fulfilling choice.
Whatever “success” has come my way (and how success is even defined) has occurred as much despite me as it has because of me.
This has often been something I’ve contemplated when wanting to offer guidance to my 4 sons (now self-reliant young men) about how to go about “designing” their lives.
I’m not afraid of dying….
Or so I say.. But, truthfully, I am afraid.
I’m afraid that, when I do die, I will have left behind too much unfinished business.
Pfizer has recently gained FDA approval to begin offering their vaccination to children between the ages of 5 and 11 years old.
If you have children between these age ranges, or know someone who does, this will be worth the time invested reading it.
It’s been said that what bleeds leads.. The headline shown can certainly make us “bleed.”
It can make us bleed with fear. It can make us bleed with apprehension.
But does something like this illustrate the truth?
In my opinion, getting vaccinated or not, for Covid, should remain a personal choice and not a mandate.
I feel that this is especially true pertaining to parents and their children.
Read on to see why I feel that way…
sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.
it’s a lie! words can and often do hurt.
the words we say. the words we hear, and the thoughts, images, and emotions that they incubate.
even worse, are the actions and interactions they, not uncommonly, inspire.
today could be my last day..
yours too.
as i sit down to write this, i’m 66 ½ years old (as if a half year matters)
i have no clue about how many “ticks” i have left.
do you?
The question is intriguing, and one that I believe many of us have not asked ourselves.
Yet, it is the ONE question, that could give us a deeper awareness of our true desires and the direction we should consider moving towards.
It’s a question that is contradictory to the advice of many self-help gurus, whose guidance I feel is WRONG, possibly leading us to the “safe” choice rather that the “best” or most personally fulfilling choice.
living with uncertainty and the “new” normal
“sheltering in place” has benefits and consequences.
for me, these are one in the same… that is, being alone with my thoughts.
however, saying that i am “alone” while “thinking” is an oxymoron…
sometimes the hurt that we feel is beyond description...
the type of hurt that doesn't even hurt because it causes every physical bodily sensation to go silent…
..go dark.
..almost stunned into submission or inattention.